12 Rules to Invest Wisely
July 30, 2015
( and reap benefits in any market conditions)Rule 1: Invest regularly
Rule 2: Start investing early in life (and get the power of compounding to work for your Investment )
Rule 3: Never try and time your investment basis tips, market trends or economic outlook
Rule 4: Inflation and Taxes will eat into your returns. Therefore know your actual returns in hand
Rule 5: Diversify your investment, across asset classes, to spread your risk
Rule 6: Balance and re-balance your investments as you age
Rule 7: Expect reasonable returns from your investments and sell, once you have got the returns you seek
Rule 8: Get over your mistakes and losses. Learn from them
Rule 9: Never invest or sell in haste (and regret Iater )
Rule 10: Avoid, investing in complicated products you don’t fully understand or products that offer unrealistic returns
Rule 11: Spend time on your investments (it’s your hard earned money) or get a good financial advisor to do it for you
Rule 12: Keep it simple, invest in Mutual Funds