Successful Investing
July 30, 2015
Time-tested system that ensures you has money when you need it the most and do not have to make compromises
START INVESTING EARLY There is ample evidence that it pays to start early to realize your financial goals
KEEP SOME MONEY ASIDE FOR EMERGENCIES Disasters do not strike with a warning; make sure you are not a sitting duck
THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT HOW LONG YOU ITILL BE INVESTING FOR Have a time frame with investments; else you will be all over with your finances
REMEMBER THAT INFLATION WILL EAT INTO YOUR SAVINGS Inflation has the reverse impact of compounding and takes away the value of what you have
ASK YOURSELF HOW MUCH RISK YOU CAN TAKE Understand that risk tolerance is not risk avoidance, so take risks that you can stomach
SPREAD Y0UR MO0NEY ACR0SS A RANGE 0F INVESTIIENTS Have variety in your investments across assets to spread the risk
CHOOSE YOUR FUNDS CAREFULLY For the best fund use the Value Research Fund rating and the hand-picked Analyst’s choice recommendations
INVEST REGULARLY There can be no substitute to SIP when it comes t0 setting an automatic investment avenue
REVIEW YOUR INVESTMENTS Evaluate the performance of your investments at least once a year lest you are taken in by any surprises
STAY INVESTED TOR THE LONG TERM Staying invested over bad and good phases of the markets pays off in the long run, don’t miss the bus